$499.66 USD

3 monthly payments

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One-on-one Coaching

You have selected the One on One Coaching membership level.

  • Three transformational sessions (1 Session = 90 minutes)
  • Tasha helps navigate your Unschooling needs in this One-on-One coaching environment.
  • Suggestion: 3 session minimum but not obligatory
  • Session 1 – An introduction
  • Session 2 and 3 – Work on strategies and solutions that will bring harmony into your home.
  • Easily add more sessions as you move through this Unschooling process.
What my Coaching Looks Like:

1) Time sensitive to give you the most value without dependency…I am a way shower which means I walk the talk…you can learn from me but you grow by your own efforts.

2) Fast track you with real results that will ultimately give you what you truly want: true connection and peace with your child.

3) Help you to deprogram the negative patterns that create power struggles with your child.

4) Show you the lasting path to Freedom for you and your family by letting go of toxic beliefs that we have been conditioned to repeat generationally.
Important: Tasha believes every parent should have the opportunity to bring the Unschooling world to their children. We are living in a unique time and if you find yourself faced with a circumstance that may not permit you to join the Unschooling community, contact Tasha to discuss.

The price for membership is x3 monthly payments of $499.66.

Booking valid for three session sequence.

What People Are Saying:

Having Tasha as my protégé has been one of the most powerful experiences of my career. Her passion as an advocate has lit the world on fire! It's rare to meet someone who walks and speaks from such a clear, heart-centered, and authentic space. It's been an honor to be her mentor and I know she will continue supporting others and speaking truth to a world that so desperately needs her voice.

Dayna Martin

Being part of Tasha's group coaching community has helped me stay grounded in my decision to unschool my kids. I didn't know I was an unschooling parent, until I had listened to some of her podcasts and done some research. I thought I was homeschooling, but it didn't look like any other textbook way of doing school at home. It was much more than that! The support that I've gained from this group has been essential, and so validating that I'm on the right track. If you're new to homeschooling or unschooling, you will LOVE Tasha's insights and mentorship! One of my biggest take-aways from her sessions is that it's us, the parents, that need to do the most unschooling and really dig deep to work on ourselves, because the kids are just fine.

Diana Peterson

Tasha's group coaching sessions have created an open space for parents to come with questions, concerns, and comments around unschooling. Her knowledge, presence, and experience add so much to the conversations while incorporating others within the group to share and be supported. I have personally had 4 group sessions with her and was blown away by each of the meetings. I could feel, even over zoom, a supportive community being built as the meetings progressed and relationships built. I even noticed a change in my parenting over the month as my family and I have been transitioning away from the 'traditional school' into an 'unschooling' approach that has become way more in line with our family values. I would highly recommend these coaching sessions and look forward to taking more.

Jenna Orr