Tasha Fishman
Unschooling Coach / Speaker / Advocate
It’s time to break that chain…We are not Free until we are All Free and that includes our children.
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Some of these are free and some require a donation to the producers, please consider donating towards the people who contribute to humanity in this manner.
2. Cut: Daughters of the West- Simon Estler (www.daughtersofthewest.com)
3. Class Dismissed (classdismissedmovie.com)
5. Nefarious (https://rumble.com/v210mqo-nefarious-merchant-of-souls.html)
6. Sound of Freedom (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7599146/ )
7. Out of the Shadows (https://rumble.com/v2vltmi-out-of-the-shadows-liz-crokin-mike-smith-pizzagate-explained.html)
8. John Taylor Gatto (https://rumble.com/v2ai7ny-owen-benjamin-live.html)
9. The 11th Hour - Trance: Cathy Obrien Story (https://www.bitchute.com/video/l48LGs1FQzAO/)
3. Dr. Rima Laibow https://rumble.com/v2ql5s6-dr.-rima-laibow-nefarious-plans-of-the-world-health-organization-for-global.html
4. SOGI library in Canadian Schools:https://www.exposingsogi123.com/
5. Action for Canada https://action4canada.com/
6. Liberty Sentinel https://libertysentinel.org/
7.Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria https://www.parentsofrogdkids.com/
9. Canadian Voters Association https://www.mycva.ca/
1. Excellent Sheep- by William Deresiewicz
2. The War Against Boys- by Christina Hoff Sommers
3. Teach your Own- by John Holt
4. Weapons of Mass Instruction- John Taylor Gatt
5. How Children Learn- by John Holt
6. Radical Unschooling-by Dayna Martin
7. Siblings without Rivalry- by Adele Faber
8. Homeschool Bravely- by Jamie Erickson
9. Dumbing Us Down- John Taylor Gatt
10. The Teenage Liberation Handbook -by Grace Llewellyn
11. Crimes of the Educators-by Alex Newman
12. Sexual Sabotage- Dr. Judith Reisman
13. Unschooling to University by Judy Arnall
14. The Parents Tao Te Ching by William Martin
15. Self Design- Brent Cameron
16. Unschooled- Kerry McDonald
17. Raising Rebels - by Dayna Martin